Sunday, April 1, 2018

Jenkins Slave machine-multiple build machines-Jenkins Home Directory

What is Slave machine? Or What is multiple build machines?

Jenkins makes it quite easy to set up “Slaves” on other machines that can be used to run additional build jobs. This useful approach is to set up multiple build machines.
The Slaves remain inactive until a new build job is requested. Then the main Jenkins installation dispatches the job the slave and reports on the results.

This is a great way to absorb sudden spikes of build activity, for example just before a major release of your principal product.

It is also useful strategy if certain heavy-weight builds tend to “hog” the main build server. Just put them on their own dedicated build agent.

What is Jenkins Home Directory?

Jenkins keeps all its important data in a special separate directory called the Jenkins home directory.

Here, Jenkins store information about build server configuration, build jobs, build artifacts, user accounts, and other useful information as well as any plugins may have installed.

The Jenkins home directory format is backward compatible across versions, we can freely update or re-install Jenkins executable without affecting Jenkins home directory.

What are the different ways to run Jenkins?

We can run the Jenkins server in two ways. It can be run as a stand-alone application or deployed as a standard web application on to a Java Servlet Container or application server such as Tomcat, JBoss, or Glassfish.

Jenkins come bundled as a WAR fil that you can run directly using an embedded servlet container. Jenkins uses the light weight winstone servlet engine to allow you to run the server out of the box.

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Jenkins FAQ
DevOps-Continuous Integration- Jenkins Basics for Beginners
Why we need Jenkins?
Manage Jenkins
Jenkins build job-Build a free-style software project-testing on multiple environment
Notification set-up-email-sms in Jenkins
Source Code Management section-build jobs in Jenkins
Artifact archive-Status Ball indication of Jenkins dashboard
Trend Graph-Javadocs-Jenkins reporting
Code coverage metrics-build server for Jenkins
Slave machine-multiple build machines

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