Sunday, April 1, 2018

Jenkins coverage metrics-build server for Jenkins-Jenkins FAQ

What is code coverage metrics?

Code coverage is an indication of how much of your application cod is actually executed during your tests.

It can be useful tool in particular for finding areas of cod that have not been tested by your test suits.

It can also give some indication as to how well a team is applying good testing practice such as Test-Driven Development or Behavior Driven Development.

For example, Cobertura is an open source code coverage tool that work well with both Maven and Jenkins.

How to set-up code coverage metrics using Cobertura in project?

It is easy to setup code coverage metrics in project, we need to do two things. First, we need to generate the Cobertura coverage data in an XML from that Jenkins can use. Then we need to configure Jenkins to display the coverage reports.

Why we need build server for Jenkins?

In large Organizations, number of applications need to build with Jenkins, it’s more to needed processor power and memory. 

It’s more to needed processor power and memory. So, builds tend to be both memory and processor-intensive operations and Jenkins can be configured to run several builds in parallel.

Depending on the number of build Jobs you are managing, Jenkins will also need memory of its own for its own internal use.

The amount of memory required will depend largely on the nature of your builds.

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Jenkins FAQ
DevOps-Continuous Integration- Jenkins Basics for Beginners
Why we need Jenkins?
Manage Jenkins
Jenkins build job-Build a free-style software project-testing on multiple environment
Notification set-up-email-sms in Jenkins
Source Code Management section-build jobs in Jenkins
Artifact archive-Status Ball indication of Jenkins dashboard
Trend Graph-Javadocs-Jenkins reporting
Code coverage metrics-build server for Jenkins
Slave machine-multiple build machines


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