How to set-up Git integration on Jenkins?
Jenkins comes with support for subversion and CVS out of the box, but this will need to install the Jenkins Git plugin to manage integration with Git repository.
The process is very simple. First of all, click on the ‘Manage Jenkins’ link to the left of the screen (Jenkins Home) to go back to the main configuration screen.
The click on ‘Manage Plugins’, this will open the plugin configuration screen, which is where you manage the extra features you want to install on your Jenkins server. You should see four tabs: Updates, Available, Installed, and Advanced.
For now, just click on the Available tab, here you will see a very long list of available plugins. Find the Git plugin entry in this list and tick the corresponding checkbox, and the scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click on install.
This will download and install the Jenkins Git plugin into your local Jenkins instance. Once it’s done, you will need to restart Jenkins for the changes to take effect.
To do this, you can simply click on the “Restart Jenkins when no jobs are running” button displayed on the installation screen, or alternatively shut down and restart Jenkins by hand.
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